#eye #eye

Fertile Strains

Current work up for Auction at Unsolicited Airdrop 
November 3-5th

Fertile Strains by Kim Laughton with music by Mechatok

Fertile Strains, launched in April this year, exploit the strengths of NFTs to driver a larger story. Each character and frame is randomized and rendered in Unreal Engine, achieving a population that would have otherwise been hard to create, and each features unique music by Mechatok based on a common melody. These characters are used as the basis for a world that grows over time, fleshed out with images videos and artifacts that can be enjoyed with or without NFT ownership.

Fertile Strains NFTS are minted on the Tezos Blockchain via hic et nunc, the continuing story can be followed at instagram.com/fertile_strains

Clothing avalible at www.fertile-strains.com

Strain NamePrice (xtz)URL
Strain 070: Partly Cloudy35.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496085
Strain 071: Rose Root36https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496107
Strain 072: Onsen36.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496108
Strain 073: Tidal37https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496109
Strain 074: Jupiter37.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496183
Strain 075: Ragweed38https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496184
Strain 076: Exodus Fruit38.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496185
Strain 077: Euphoria39https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496314
Strain 078: God Of Rain39.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496315
Strain 079: Aged Plastic Casing40https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496316
Strain 080: Solar Ash40.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496555
Strain 081: My Father Left Me Tears41https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496556
Strain 082: Part Animal41.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496557
Strain 083: I Wear A Mask With A Smile42https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496558
Strain 084: Reforget42.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496559
Strain 085: Abstract Dessert43https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496678
Strain 086: Uniform Jumper43.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496679
Strain 087: Bloody Pink44https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496680
Strain 088: Three Smiles44.5https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496839
Strain 089: Underpass45https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/496840